
Booklet Printing Tutorial Update


I have added more information to Booklet Tutorial I provided you with yesterday. Please download the latest version so you are prepared for Monday. 

Download Here: http://cl.ly/330n362w362B


• Your InDesign layout has to have a EVEN NUMBER of pages. If necessary add a blank page before the final page with your name on it.

• You will need to add your Cover Design to the Booklet of pages that you exported from InDesign. Because I did not get a chance to explain this in class, you need to make sure to follow the portion of the tutorial that describes Adding your InDesign Cover to the PDF Booklet. You will need to add two blank pages so it can be viewed correctly for presentations, the tutorial explains this.

• IF you are going to use the plotter to print your cover you can save money by plotting yours and a classmates on the same print. If you setup your plot on a 12 x 36 sheet you can fit 2 covers on one print. You will need to set this up in Illustrator by making a 12 x 36 Artboard and arrange both covers.

With this tutorial you should be able to do the following:

- Export your InDesign booklet for printing

- Export your InDesign booklet for presentation or web view

- Print your InDesign Cover

- Export your InDesign Cover to PDF

- Add your InDesign Cover to the PDF Booklet that contains your pages

- Package your InDesign file once your booklet has been completed.

As an example of how your FINAL CORRECTLY EXPORTED PDF will look once viewed as a presentation or on web go to this link on issuu.com to see example:  http://issuu.com/ttu_coaep/docs/dm2_pamphlet_sample

If you have any questions or there are an errors please let me know so I can fix it quickly.

We will have all-day Monday and a only a couple hours on Tuesday morning to be printed, please review the documents so you are familiar with all the steps. If you are completed before Monday I encourage you to follow these steps. Again I will setup up in one of the studios on Monday to help anyone who is having issues.