
Final Assignment Checklist


I believe all of you know what is due on Tuesday, but as a reminder for you, here is a simplified list of what is due without all the extra requirement details.

You can turn these files in via Dropbox or Flash Drive.

A03 - Analog > Digital

1-2 - PDF Files - 11 x 17 (template provided)

A03 - FOLDED*FORM (group project)

2-3 - PDF Files - 11 x 17 (template provided)

A04 - Drawings

4 - PDF Files - 11 x 17 (template provided)
• 1 - Elevation
• 2 - Section
• 3 - Axonometric
• 4 - Perspective

PAMPHLET*CATALOG - This is the only file you need to print

1 - Printed Booklet
1 - Finalized Digital PDF (ready for viewing on projector or web)
1 - InDesign Package of booklet and booklet cover

Digital Submission

Submission of ALL above files. THIS IS HOW YOU WILL BE ASSESSED.

Pamphlet Notes:
- Digital Media Assignments that were originally to scale for example, Tectonic Drawing and Axonometric, need to be to scale in your Pamphlet. 

A04 Notes:
- All A04 drawings need to be scale. You set the scale, and you choose what drawing example to present. You can choose to submit just a portion of your overall bridge drawings/diagrams. Your studio projects were a very large scale so you can show portions of your drawing or a bay, notate the scale and that it is just a portion of the overall drawing.

- This is not just a completion assignment. You need to prove that you know how to create a well developed example of elevation, section, axon, perspective. Dimensions, reference information, entourage to show scale, etc.

Extra Notes for Final Assessment:

- Be creative with layouts and text for your Pamphlet. Just simply placing your work plainly on the page and submitting, is the minimum, and that will reflect your grade. Feel free to use color, custom graphic details and fonts.

- You will be heavily assessed on completion of all requirementsquality and quantity of work and effort presented in work.

- Look at online examples of completed renderings from other architects and samples that were uploaded in Dropbox. Your renderings, elevations, sections, axons, and diagrams need to have as much relevant detail as possible.

GROUP PROJECT: Remember this is a Group Project so the quality and quantity of work should reflect that. More than 1 person is working on this project, so the work should reflect that 2-4 people worked on this project.

- Remember simply turning in your work and presenting the minimum, receives the minimum grade. Completing your assignments with obvious intention and effort and going above minimum requirements will receive higher marks.

If you have any questions please let me know. If you want to send screenshots of progress work please do and I will get back ASAP.

Thanks, have a good weekend, and good luck on all your final projects and exams.